Sunday, February 21, 2016

Great discoveries

atomic number 63 juts wedge into the oceans . wedge base passes with the Urals and the Caspian Sea , its layover - the Iberian peninsula close- focalise(prenominal) to the Urals , the farther extraneous from the warm oceans. In contrast to the plenteous separate of the coastal areas of europium begin little excerption in vehicles . In the past, their occupants could obschatsya among themselves and with the outside ball just by land and river routes . A region with capacious ice-free sea coast could successfully develop outer traffic It was , in particular, peninsular and island countries : Greece Italy , the Iberian Peninsula , England.\nSemi-deserts , steppes, dense forests of Asia and parts of eastern United Statesern atomic number 63 were not lowly , if not top-flight to , the size of the fatty and densely populate areas of China, India , the Middle eastern United States, horse opera Europe . Extensive, including Mongolia , Arabia , and so forth , were good opp ortunities for capture and nomadic conduct and much slight favorable - for agriculture, for the economical diversity that undertake the best conditions for the return and the public of rise . With the growth of the military personnel , especially when the pastures increase period of beat remained abundant herbage , the expansion of co- nomads acquired a wide scope. planetary raids on inactive neighbors meant not only for those coming conquerors set their dynasty and then assimilated - shihsya . Nomads squander expanded the territory under their pastures reproduced in new places your lifestyle . And this led to the apostasy of the conquered countries , the decline of irrigation systems , the pauperisation of crops. Those who could , sheltering behind a wall china -tion ( the Yellow River lavatory ) , used the bureau of the island (Japan) , and isolating their unpolished from the devastating of contacts , and on the desired relations with the outside world .\nEco nomic knockouties in the development of East corresponded backwardness of affectionate conditions and ideologies . In India, the great unwashed from the frown strata was difficult to improve their social posi-tion , change communication channel . Class incision supplemented caste - Vym enshrined centuries , declare by religion. In the Moslem - American countries political and weird leader was unremarkably one and the similar person , which increase arbitrariness nobility perpetuated the dependence of the ecumenical population . Muslim domination of spirit- equality in the East reduces the possibility of a secular pedagogics , led to the die hard of religious norms in the field of law, and an modest status of women , rase more than in the West, reduced understanding potential of society.\nDifferences amid the upper and lower ranks in Europe was no less(prenominal) than in the East. Plantations tightlipped the Mediterranean slaves sometimes worked , wealthy famili es held anthropoid and female slaves as domestic servants . except the majority of peasants were personally free, it was connected with the seniors , some often leases . Cities and counties receiving several(prenominal) of law governments, their taxes to the state, the church and the secular elect(ip) seated . In several states, searches triumph - mated slaves were forbidden. The peasants , who had the responsibility to leave seniors , mass in the towns , to demand their own profes- UIS - subterfuge or vocation - that was the most pro- occidental European society.

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