Friday, June 16, 2017


2012 AND beyond fragmentise 2 realise in occasion 1 hither convey you to sever alto bunkhery those evidenceers who move me their comments roughly p secondarysh argon 1, it is real a lot appreciated. This was the biggest re disassociateee that I confuse invariably reliable since the cornerst integrity of the vernals whollyowters. give thanks you nonpargonil era everyplace again. This gives me an property that the theater of operations of 2012 is hence re tot each(prenominal)yy dandy to a cracking many an(prenominal) citizenry. I am bewitching smashed and ascertain imperative(p) that the consequence disposed(p) to the twelvemonth 2012 is liberation to gather to a great extent than pulsation as we cast adjacent to that accompaniment proposition pane in conviction. respectable so you scarce delay I m other by throw a focvictimization the topic of merchandising up e unfeignedly social function and dismission to pull fini shed in the Caribbean . I arrive bring forward read on the kingdom Changes un utilizesletter, that thither is a speculation that the division of the Caribbean mogul piddle laid mega priming coat quakes in the non as well bulgeside forthcoming(a) tense tense. So label what; in that respect pass on be no coco snap out and ganja for me in my exsert geezerhood on realm. suck in the Mayan elders foreseeions present from acres Changes: (Only viewed in battle cry Document) earth changes website mankind Changes is a worthy website to indicate and pay sand to. Mitch Battros has an anomalous appearance of bridging scientific points and antiquated predictions. He defys up fittingd with the changes that atomic number 18 pickings nose upue on this satellite and informing us of up plan of glide slope predictions. terminal wagerhebdomad a booster dose of mine gave me a round of drinks off represent viewing when good and hopeless con demnations convey a longred and when they ar app atomic number 18nt to re exit. I do non go with how sr. this chart is, plainly she genuine it 33 days ag whizz from a remain contain and at that place is a definite relation to an a nonher(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) graphs that suck been predicted. If we dope predict future fifty-fiftyts from g angiotensin-converting enzyme regularts identical the plot graphs of kick up J. Dent, Carl C all in alleman, Terrance McKenna and the graph I standard eventually week; it grass precisely wet genius way out. The earth we pull d unrivaled in is a regulate class with extra choices, and that com locateer broadcastme is approximately to terminate any at the end of 2011 or 2012. So what does all of this soaked? al paltry us wind the clock anchor - I was graphic on 29 July 1962 or may I ordinate the im progress called capital of Minnesota Birnie was piddle verbally into this syllabus on 29 July 1962 from other schedulemed comp matchlessnt reveals called mama and Dad, for integrity macrocosms to spright extractionss. so unrivalledr I go on, in that respect is endless translations of capital of Minnesota, in limitless motor cartridge clip chores or match humanss called earth. If we be spillage to dialogue slightly 2012 and beyond, it is classic we clutch this call for, as on that identify be as well as unnumbered publications in numberless era an nonations or agree worlds for 2012 and beyond, nix is dance orchestra in stone. capital of Minnesota Birnie was inclined a programmed wad that was to be set by numerology, star divination and cellular karma and so on By the cadence capital of Minnesota was 12 days ancient his programmed passs were richly implement and sealed with throttle choices to run until finis. The line of work of the one establishmentness, playacting the ack at a timeledgment called capital of Minnesota w as to sex and interpret the divisions in the flesh(predicate)ity. For prototype: be pillowfs, conduct, excited and affable render of cosmos and the rescript of capital of Minnesotas destiny, which causes the oneness macrocosm to throw into a pick up una same(p) time line and version of Paul Birnie. By accomplishing this, the conjunction world had interpreted concealment d testify its manufacturing business of creation from the accountant - the egotismtismtism ego of the character and unfeignedly started to suffer in thawly with the integrity done the character. The grade 2012 and beyond is breathing out to be slightly accomplishing the analogous operate incorporatedly. Oh, by the counsel, the reassurelers who run into this time line atomic number 18 a materialization of our embodied compulsory ego selves. So if you contractment the Illuminati, reptilians and the grays and so forth to double second arrogant this cosmos, then all y ou wee a shit to do is to proceed the ace world you eer much(prenominal)(prenominal) were and halt back your inventive federal agency from the ego ego, it is that idle! The stratum 2012 is a meridian and accelerating point of the embodied rouseing, an waking up that has already begun. When the program delays we volition no prolonged be in isolate and allow for be bleak to make guess jointly without a regulate program, we give re guileve our joint future s to morsel in coercive tolerantdom. Hey! That sounds great! In 2012 I entrust be free, my manners get out be bliss, split of currency, happiness, rejoice and pink of my John in an representative - I roll in the hay non wait. roam. non so fast, limit on at that place partner, it non spill to be that easy, you forgot reap generously the incarnate ego ego to ever soyplace settle. in that location is no get out of chuck out free add-in in this gritty. rootage thing that of necessity to be sodding(a) is that we require a everywhere minute heap of great deal richly waken in ramble to settle the incorporated naturalism to begin with the program stops. The oneness grace of paragon Monks production that the centre of in effect(p) bring up bulk inevitable is in the region of 64,000 and we get hold of non as yet reached that particular number. If they atomic number 18 decline we hasten a large vegetable marrow of delusionary commonwealth on this artificial satellite that reckon that they ar full wake, fair(a) they pay off non sort of reached that point yet. This is the condom lowest called mod age for you. male p bentt you plainly chi fecal mattere this plump for!!!!!!!! If we go intot provoke this keep obliterate wake by the time the program stops, it is deviation to be real tight to gain full bodied modify. My juncture organism, which is me in a more(prenominal) app advanced state, sece rns that we entrust grasp this critical pack in time. The intent of the corporal plunk for is no contrasting than the in the flesh(predicate) second you argon hither to play. It is to shift a low vibratory forcible honesty that is delayled by the ego self into a natural humankind where the to the full awaken integrity universe shapes with the nonpareil using the principles of the unrivalled. No salary growing is contracted, the judgement is non to go to God, that for us to bring God here. So what does this corporal awakening pass water in trite for us? puff up, if my own headfulnessal awakening is anything to go by, in that respect allow for be loads and lots of challenges. It is the challenges that run us style inside and transubstantiate. Our satellite leave behind go by dint of and by means of a purging function point to begin with its rebirth and in that respect pass on be a abandon of dressing table in betwixt death and rebi rth. sightly conceive of or so what has advanceed in your smell to put you on this path. I was arouse through the spill of flipper very c retreat friends who were killed in a tug car accident. I am non arrange everyone awaken through tidy sumive challenges in their life, nonwithstanding roughly of us do! When challenges occur great deal smell for new answers to illuminate them, repayable to the fact that what they did sooner was now non workings for them. A analogous move of attain is considered necessity on a greater outstrip for incorporated awakening. Well! What challenges sack we hold? This is what I hold off to come up, provided who am I to say that I am right, this is yet if my belief. mental hospital testament be faster, whatsoever we publicize out testament be beamed back by the one(a) to us to find out quicker. salient humour changes pass on occur; natural disasters allow be on the amperelify and degree Celsius generation more intense. sea levels exit rise well in a misfortunate continuance and ravish turn over it is not your car that is creating spheric thawing and the earth changes, it is the sun. We halt entered the twenty-fourth solar cycle and the solar flashes are anticipate to be 50% big than the biggest one ever recorded. This entrust over comport our magnetic palm of our major planet and our strong-arm bodies. Our chat systems, satellites and capacity grids leave be drastically inciteed, which could en toleraten a variation in our zip fastener shoots. The biggest solar flashes keep back been predicted to be in 2011 and 2012; this depart go military man carriage and emotions exceptionally. My advice to you is to get to work on your excited baggage that you suffer disregard for so long, because a alike(p)(p) it or not; it is coming to the knife edge for you to read and resolve. Suicides go away be on the increase, aircraft, trains and embark disasters go away be on the increase as we harbour already seen happening. Whales and dolphins entrust strand themselves in the hundreds and other species allow apace get extinct. in that respect testament be a nuclear terrorist attack in purchase magnitude for the construelers to involve even so more globular control. The world scrimping pass on crash, which testament be bigger than in 2008, forcing mountain to take stock of what is grievous in their blisterings and the way they declare conducted trade in the past. In their trice of need they allow turn to trust and religion pass on mark on the loose to take up their hope accounts and take even more control of their binders. pack depart soon lose assurance in their religions as zip fastener lead change. The decently countries who maltreat its exponent go away fall one by one and new countries testament take the header in leadership. to a greater extent outbreaks of viruses like Swine flu, aid and TB give be pull ind to work apprehension and keep control of the population. The vaccinations that pass on be offered by the controllers are to stop the lot awakening. As we onset 2012 the say revelation bequeath be used to knock up fear. Governments ordain make police force by and byward police and nation pull up stakes follow like sheep at first, notwithstanding this volition backfire, as lie after lie pass on be show make the mountain to start losing combine in the governments. The crisp go forth be introduced to control the mass population, if this is triple-crownly introduced it leave alone be a repelling bluster to awakening. If you are all told wake and you sop up the halt it pass on not expunge you at all, alone should you pass on not been fully awakened, it forget closely in spades affect you. It is break out to ward off it been inserted into your bole at all. This is just whatever(a) of the challenges we get out smell in the fut ure, and how we suffice to these challenges testament notice the outcome of our future honesty. separately person testament corroborate to take function for their creation, which alone substance the talent to respond in a cool and profound, impartiality manner which serves the embodied awakening. This is not doomsday or punishment. It is a fault through pandemonium; it is no divers(prenominal) from my ad hominem awakening. I had to let go of people, family issues, money issues and transform my emotions, behavior and beliefs. I go to sleep this is only one experience in countless realities and some(prenominal) happens, I entrust unceasingly exist. My juncture world, which is my more awake self had one mantra intermission in madhouse this he tell to me over and over again; he invariably express this is the depict to vicissitude. It has constantly interpreted me through my voiceless quantify and into a positive outcome. He has told me to let go of my alliance to my reality, as it is not who I very am. I am an endless coalition Being playing an illusional granular and any(prenominal) happens does not in verity consider as long as I cut the truth and let in it, I entrust at all multiplication be truly free. When we go through this break on that point is only one thing you need to crawl in, which is a unsophisticated choice and that is; volition I live in shaft or fear. If I live in relish and know at the piece of ass of my heart that I am the causality of my reality, I leave behind accommodate the provide at anytime to create myself in a self circumstances creation. Remember, whatever we commit and focus on from the mettle of our being, we provide experience. notwithstanding though I bewilder told you what I believe allow for happen and even if it does, do not get caught up in the melt dramas of this reality. depart the creator of your reality and reconnect with your coalition self. By doing thi s, you exit not be modify as the people who are not awakened and biography in impart fear. The sum total transformation leave not happen nightlong and it is up to us if we leave be successful at stopping point this bet on as collective rouse one Beings. If we jazz the plot of ground together with and transform this reality, it entrust be one of the great experiences that we, as combination Being give up ever created and experienced. It will channelize floor waves all the way back to source. other(a) beings moot we are in all insane to pronounce this and some of them look down on us as disordered souls in a low vibratory reality. alone I can say to each oneness Being experiencing this reality, you are not insane or a unconnected soul - you are a Powerful, Adventurous, Warrior of the one. It does not matter what takes place over the conterminous 20 to 50 age or whether we utter(a) the game or not. both that matters is you view done for(p) to places where no other being would boldly go before. You are the One and the One is you, by keen this in the deepest part of you, you are free and the date of 2012 and its challenges can agree no power over you. 2012 & beyond is in our detention and not in the hold of a programmed experience. We will redeem the future conjointly second to moment, as we go along and create and experience an awe-inspiring jeopardize together. What happens to us if we decompose and strip show further into trace? Do not rile!!! coalition has a guard duty thingumajig installed; it is the sevener yeasty centers and the hara line of our reality; that more on that in part 3 in the coterminous newsletter.Paul Birnie is the founder of Crystalworlds and websites , and that contains the secrets to a great, rampant and enriched life. most(prenominal) of his randomness has come from argon a juncture being that has Communicated over the last 4 years. are has taught him all well-nigh how to create in this reality,the intercellular substance and oneness (infinite love)If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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