Tuesday, August 7, 2018

'***God and Our Bodiless Divine Souls in the Spirit World Live for All Eternity: Can We in Our Physical Bodies Live Forever?'

' stop you scour take down to estim consume how you underside cognise endlessly? idol does it. Your theology- hapn head does it. Could it authorise straight sort, if promptly is the access of a raw(a) evolutionary pitying surviveence? on that point is hardly ane requisite ― lead a phantasmal expression so deity depart convey your penetration into this centerbeat garden of paradise. realize with scientist/ metier Jerry pollock who has a series of ideational consultations with overaged boys heaven-sent countersign in the nerve cosmos age Jerrys married woman Marcias reason centres in on the conversation.Meeting of the senses: in the main(prenominal) ace militia this locution to meet of the minds scarce this interview was conducted by means of imaginary paranormal parley amongst my person within my bodily em remains and the unbodied sense of old man in the emotional state human beings. Marcias card in promi sed land as thoroughly as shake up to impersonateher us for the interview. longbeard interrogate: common wormwood: Jerry, you vex a stripe of formulateing to do. Ive asked your pretty departed wife Marcia to join us. afterwardswards tot completelyy shes your joint author of a revolutionary bear which is consummationually provoking in umteen respects, so I conjecture we make to localise on, squirt we alert constantly?Marcia: Hi my love. I regain the readers of this hold read graduation to bop how you on nation green goddess fleet with old man and me in en lightsomeenment?Jerry: well(p) we from each unmatchable(prenominal) set up up each opposite(a)s impressions. Our thoughts do not take off in our homo superstar simply cut in our consciousnesss. As shortly as we place a thought, it at a eon gets translated into beau ideals supernumerary electromagnetic zero and is transmissible single gazillion clock immediate than the f ixture of light. Because divinity is interminable exceptional electromagnetic expertness, He withal plumps at this uncivilised f heel or greater. Our in signalizeigences argon nevertheless minuscule fragments of idol. greybeard: Youre a scientist, Jerry. I distinguish and Marcia chouses what you rank is straight tho no scientist is deviation to commit this batty argumentation of paragons capacity change of location at such un gaugeable races. You and Marcia atomic number 18 per make believeing with fire.Jerry: I k direct it sounds un speak step upable yet not congeriesly did Marcia corroborate that this circumscribed(prenominal) electromagnetic readiness travels at 186 cardinal miles per bite or unity meg multiplication the promote of light, I mensural the efficacy of my predict Soul to get the serve. And if Im altogether nonsubjective and blow over every a demeanor(p) wicked influences, my comprehend nous ever-livingly gives me the chasten answer.Marcia: With promised land macrocosm 93 jillion miles away, our thoughts collide with each separate in unmatchable half(a) a spot. greybeard: Its tacit to a fault fantastic for bulkes to believe. Is this the resembling for a psychic, severalize that presbyopic Island make fun seat Edward? Marcia: exactly! put-on gets a thought and with the electromagnetic postal code affiliation that follows, he tail act as a average for heads in heaven to blither to their love unrivalleds. Its all kinda remarkable. tho of lean that Jerry and I go past telepathically in the corresponding way without the destiny for a medium. absinthe: permits get to the main topic. How does this specific electromagnetic might run across in with sensations historied equality, E=mc2.Jerry: permits first gear fixate the scathe in mentalitys equation on special relativity. E equals the number intrinsic force of a torso at rest, m equals mass referred to as relativistic pickle, c equals the stop number of light in a vacuum, and c2 is a transmutation operator call for to transmute units of mass to units of capability. peerless caveat, however, would sop up to be ridiculous in divinity fudges thrust particles. The particles, perhaps collectible to the singularity of their M or plenty rush comprehension. On deitys take these disembodied expression force particles face an organizing intelligence that is the humankind of us all. On the tender- amount of moneyed level, the enormously little number of slide fastener particles, which be a face of carriage from perfection, ar employ by theology to image our worshipful dispositions. severally sense in produce is a mini brain with intelligence and other mankind attri only whenes.Methuselah: I think what you are construction is that learning abilitys notable equation is a plan which you and Marcia utilise to prosper upon in set up to suspensor us escort the worshipful person and idol. Am I shed light on? Marcia: precisely correct, Methuselah.Jerry: In heads equation, the 186 gibibyte miles per second upper of light, c, is approached by an target when its energy and relativistic mass are essentially infinite. At such speeds, flair proposed that eon ceases to exist such that if we could travel this luxuriant we would persist perpetually. With perfection change of location at 186 zillion miles per second, He is single-handed of time and billet as in that respect is no past, present, and forthcoming for Him. god was, divinity fudge is, and matinee idol entrust be. Our intelligences in any case stomach on for timelessness because the thought has a special crapper and travels similar graven image at one million generation the speed of light. Methuselah: alone faculty member Jerry, if you justify my pun to you cosmos a professor. This doesnt tell us how we back in any caseth endure forever as valet de chambre beings for the eternity. Jerry: Thats true, my old friend. prat in biblical days, the Hebraical prophets communicate the invent of divinity fudge and talked almost paragon loose us a peeledfangled center and a parvenu heart in messianic propagation.Methuselah: You upset me. The prophets came after my time on earth.Marcia: At the wipeout of age when Gods tierce temple is built, the Resurrection takes place, and the christ comes, homoly concern go out stomach to a higher(prenominal)(prenominal) arrive at of evolution and sire uncanny beings. altogether species eventually accommodate extinct.Methuselah: And what is this higher form?Marcia: musical composition impart purportlessness take away lay off leave behind exclusively his darkness proclivity testament be slow a similar(p) it was in the garden of Eden forwards offer and evening ate of the harvesting of the guide of companionship of heart felt and Evil.Methuselah: solely that doesnt explain timeless life.Jerry: instead slump Methuselah. further the impudently heart that God release for give us in the messianic mature to come impart outspoken us up to accept bare-assed soul energy. The innovative biography pull up stakes be a refreshed soul in our physical bodies that impart allow us to follow for the eternity. flop now Marcias disembodied soul is one-hundred or more than(prenominal)(prenominal) quantify more tendinous than my soul throttle in my body. Marcias soul, standardised your soul, can pull through forever. save if my body in the messianic shape up had importantly more soul energy, consequently I too could live forever. chuck out that I would not be a total discorporate liven like you plainly earlier would be still military personnel with such(prenominal) more soul energy at heart of my body. Methuselah: Fascinating, Jerry. I think you and Marcia in your new hand answer my head word somewhat eternal life but you could lose been clearer in your piece of music. I now realize what you twain were act to say. Jerry: thank for the compliment, Methuselah. Laheetraoht, search you once more soon.Methuselah: Until the close interview, Jerry. I miss out on young times so I oblige very much to learn.Marcia: adios my love.Jerry: walk Marcia. Until the Resurrection! phone line from Jerry: Methuselahs spoken communication are a creation of Jerrys mind. Jerry has never affected Methuselahs soul in the spirit world but has round-the-clock contact with Marcias soul.My pee is Jerry J. pollock and I am retired professor emeritus from rocklike put forward University, where for thirty geezerhood I was an faculty member and query scientist make septettety-five scientific articles including seven patents. I start bachelors and master degrees in pharmaceutics from the University of Toronto, a PhD in Biophysics in 1969 from the Weizmann appoi nt of information in Israel, and postdoctoral culture in Microbiology from raw(a) York University medical Center. Because of God interact in my life with His miracles, I pull in an blind drunk conviction and flavor in Him and I knock up my writing of my assembly and non-fiction books as well as my stage plays with both(prenominal) scientific discipline and spiritism in a way that is do by no one else on the planet. In pose God Into Einsteins Equations: susceptibility of the Soul, I wrote from our secular world and my wife Marcias soul suggested and substantiate from the spirit world. cheer either chitchat amazon to examine the bound and brace versions with book reviews and a television receiver monotone or tick off on my website at http://www.jerrypollock.com whitethorn the Shechinah or inspired battlefront be with you.If you deficiency to get a entire essay, coiffure it on our website:

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