Thursday, September 19, 2019

Things Found Inside of People :: Personal Narrative Papers

Things Found Inside of People 1. Things found inside of people. There is a museum in Philadelphia called the MÃ ¼tter Museum. I went there once with an old boyfriend. We saw babies in formaldehyde with serious birth defects, two heads, four legs, five noses. Siamese twins. An eight-foot-long colon in a glass case, black, dry, and empty, beside a photograph of its former keeper, a man with a bloated, pregnant stomach. Deformed skulls. The assembled bones of the tallest man in the world, the assembled bones of the shortest man in the world. Model faces made of wax, people with leprosy, noses eaten away, people with real horns growing from their foreheads. Infectious diseases-the results. The dried and preserved veins and heart of a whole man, shellacked and hovering behind a plastic wall. We stayed for two whole hours, until the place closed. At the end we found a set of drawers. Upon opening each little drawer we found something new; there were various buttons, keys, pieces of metal, rocks, hard plastics, coins. My ex-boyfriend asked me what thes e things were. The sign said, "Things Found Inside of People." 2. The bar. This morning I listened to Joy Division with my new boyfriend. The song is called Ceremony, and he has the Joy Division version, an earlier, more distorted version of the New Order song later to come, the one that I own. I could describe the song, but I won't. Other than to say that it is very 80s, and it sounds like New York City and steel-beamed skyscrapers, and it is what I hear when I fly in my head. He had a dream for a few minutes early this morning about skydiving, and he said, "I just had a dream that I had to jump out of a plane. I'll never do that." I said I didn't think jumping out of a plane and flying would be so bad. We were up until six o'clock in the morning again, frustrating each other. I think he thinks about having sex with me too much, and I'm not sure if that's negative or just not important. He's delicate, but he's a guy all the same, and it's a little confusing. He likes Joy Division. He saw me last year with my ex-boyfriend. I was wearing a Joy Division t-shirt, a relic from the 80s, Dan's brother Marc's old shirt.

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