Monday, November 25, 2019

Energy and Nutrition essays

Energy and Nutrition essays Being a young adult can be overwhelming and exciting. Every one says that young adults dont care about health, heart attacks, cancer or dying-only about hair, nails, weight and cloths. Young adults dont care to learn about nutrition. They think everyone is against them, even nature seemed to be plotting against them at that age and endowed them stringy hair or bad breath. Fatigue or crabbiness for no reason seemed to be almost daily events and their parents and counselors told them it was hormones or just a stage, but no explanation made them feel any better. You may have noticed that some of your friends are sailing through these years with a minimum of anxiety, pain or depression. Which suggests that feeling good may be normal. Many of the conditions that your teenagers have are controllable with diet and nutrition has much to do with them. It is important for you to consider what you are eating now. Once you begin to learn a little bit about nutrition you will see that the way you feel and look is not entirely up to fait. If your body looks and feels good thats a way of telling that youre taking good care of your self. If you could look or feel better chances are that there are changes you can make, looking bad is just your bodys way of saying listen you need some help. Some young adults problems are due to hereditary or physiatrist or they can be due to nutrition deficit. Most are a combination but a good diet can allow ignoring the stress of ones life. ALLERGIES Food allergies are hard to diagnose but are frequent illness usually indicate immune- system weakness, which are based on food sensitivities. The most common food allergy is to dairy products. It takes three weeks to get all the dairy products out of the system. If the dairy were your enemy you would begin to notice a clear head and open respitory passages in that time. Many find that fatigue lifts cheeks become pink, dark circles under the ey...

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