Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Three paragraphs Essays

Three paragraphs Essays Three paragraphs Essay Three paragraphs Essay Essay Topic: Paragraph Paragraphs Before we make any claim about what the cause of poverty is, we must understand the very nature of poverty itself. The first answer says that poverty is caused by physical limitations. I consider this to be a false claim because there are some countries where locales can not be described as poor. I believe that there is a way to create wealth even in rural places and even moving to urban areas is not the solution to poverty. What I consider to be the cause of poverty is the dependence of the third world countries. Looking at it from the economic perspective, a country that imports more than exports would have a considerable lower GPD and this would lead to poverty. Third world countries are over dependent on developed countries and import more than they export. This means local industries would not be patronized and so wealth that should be circulated in the country would be spent of foreign goods. From my point of view, I would say that the ranking of the various presidential candidates can be explained by the fact that the firmness of their standing. From the quotes and the eventual rankings, I noticed that ranking was based on how strong the quotes support the war that Israel is fighting. The stronger the statement is in support of Israel’s war against Middle East, the higher the rating. Apart from this, the high ranking is given to quotes that support America’s total involvement in the war against the countries that pose a threat to the Israeli nation. Quotes that openly show the candidate’s hatred for the Middle East are highly rated while those that tend to be on the middle ground are rated lower than others. America has been seen as a scary figure in the Europe and the world at large. Muslim nations see America as a nation who accuses other nation s to be terrorists but are not different from the said nations. However, this is not to say that these Muslim nations hate America rather, what they hate is the policies of the American government. I would say that America has been too much involved in war and other brutal activities in these countries. The truth is that these politicians that are quoted in the previous paragraph count on Israel’s support and thus formulate polices that would suit Israel. However, what we should understand is that there are also innocent people that do not support terrorist activities in their country. When we declare a state of war, these innocent people are killed and the people that are guilty may escape death. For me, I think his is a parody and an act of brutality that should be done away with.

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