Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Proposal of project ISLAMIC AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES Submitted to : DR.AZIZ-UR-REHMAN SAIFEE. Title:Islam VS Terrerisom Chapter swig: ?Introduction And taradiddle. ?Origination of Talibans. ?Talibanization and shariya system. ?Activities of Talibans. ?Talibans in the sight of West. Background: -History: Muslim shariya system. Nonmuslim activities. Ulemas and students of Madrassas. -Terrorism and talibanization: -Why is the theme important and for whom? The peck all around the populace are considering Talibans as terrorists. Actuall impressiveness of talibans in contribution to Islam. deal of Islamic Shariya system. For the reputation of ISLAM and authentic talibans. important for the value of Islam and muslims at international level. -What are the main(prenominal) issues associated with the topic? Misconcepts of population for talibans. -Talibanization and jihad? question Question(s): -Why Talibans sawn to be a terrorist? Because of their contr ibution in spread of dependable Islamic shariya system.And that is not acceptable to the west. -Why talibans are treated as terrorists? is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
-Why stack are using the face of talibans for terrorist act? methodology: -The ascepts of this rearch is the value of Talibans for Shariya system. -Collecting data of other people slightly terrorism and Talibanization. -I chose this topic to remove the misunderstandings of people almost talibans and Talibanization. Timeline: It take about a week to mete out a topic and proposal was made just in a angiotensin converting enzyme day. And Inshallah the project will ta ke about 2 to 3 weeks to complete due to sem! ester load. References: No eccentric taken in proposal making although got some ideas from: ?Talibanization in swat. ?Talibanization and Islam. ?Internet using google.If you want to get a fully essay, order it on our website:

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