Thursday, August 15, 2019

Creating An Action Plan

Time management has been the largest challenge to date. Work, life, school balance, while determining what time of day is best to set aside to study, how much time is required to be a successful student and still be able to attend the kids sporting events will have me doing homework in the bleachers often. Fortunately, was able to start planning for the challenges of returning to school the day that I decided to pursue a Bachelors of Art in Accounting. Showing the kids that you are never too old to go back to school.Dreams can mom true if you are willing to work hard and making sacrifices that support your overall goals are worth the effort. My desire to graduate with the highest grade point average that I can achieve, will power me to do my very best each day. Proving to myself that I can do this and learning how to quiet the inner voice, when something gets challenging, has been rewarding and empowering to date. I am very glad that chose to attend AIL'. The built in support system, which has been put in place has eliminated any apprehension that would not be able to succeed.The Technical support department being available 24 hours a day to help with computer and connection issues is tremendous. Learning that can rely on my student advisor, Rebecca Anderson, if I have any questions, she has been there to support and assist me through the enrollment process. Shared her experiences as a student and provided examples of other student successes to prove it can be done with commitment. She has also provided insight on the available resources and offered suggestions on how to maximize them.Learning how to navigate and AP into the resources available in the Library and knowing if I have a question, there is a librarian available to point me in the right direction, is refreshing, but also has taken away my fear of not being able to do the necessary research. My fiance has been amazing with the added responsibilities he is willing to take on to ensure can focus on scho ol. He has attended online courses in the past, so he has been a tremendous source of information and support. But he is also there to point out when I am getting side tracked or offer instructive criticism when needed.The kids and I have a challenge in place, the person who has the highest grade point average at the end of their school year in June, gets their favorite meal made for dinner and a week of no chores. So obviously there has been much attention given to grades and homework. Having spent 1 5 years in the military, we are taught to continually assess the plans and goals we have set for ourselves. To look for your strengths and weaknesses and to adjust the process, as needed to accomplish the plan.As I come re-familiar myself with the learning process and requirements, will be able to refine my note taking, establish a routine to take advantage of the time have available to study and improve on the way that I process and retain information. As I learn new techniques and in formation is presented in new ways, it will enhance and change the way that learn. As I become more familiar with intelligent, I will adapt the way I process and retain the information. I believe my academic action plan will always be evolving and improving.My primary goal is to complete school within the time frame currently established and end with a 3. 5 grade point average. I have always tried to ensure that when set goals for myself they are realistic, attainable, specific to the task and motivational. I know that I can accomplish anything that set my mind too, given time and opportunity and finally have both. The financial commitment and sacrifices will be rewarded, when complete school. I will be able to pursue the jobs I want and provide better opportunities for my family.

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