Saturday, August 24, 2019

Research methodology in Strategic Human Resource Management Paper

Methodology in Strategic Human Resource Management - Research Paper Example This work would evaluate the research philosophies, strategies and methods employed in some human resource research journals/articles. There are some philosophical principles that were used in the research to make it more effective. The principle of social constructivism was well applied when the researchers set a friendly atmosphere before engaging some workers in some interviews. The researchers understood the fact that each organization has policies which limit some workers from handling some questions or duties within the organization. The research team had to be clear on the intention or purpose of their research as well as the assurance that it would have no negative implication on their career. However, the principle of participation was not well utilized since the research team only involved employees from specific departments and left out the rest, they should have sampled their respondents to represent the entire organization to limit biasness (Wilkins, 2009). Positivist an d constructivist principles are important for any research, they help one judge the quantitative and qualitative implications in any research. Quantitative research is that which figures can be used to back or support its finding while qualitative research is that which cannot be quantified or rather based on facts or theories. E-HRM research considered the constructivist principles when the employees were asked to give their thoughts or verdicts with the technology concerned. The majority were for the idea that it would improve the effectiveness of human resource in the organization. The technology requires a few IT specialists and a smaller space to operate and furthermore, it simply records all income and expenditure details in terms of time of transaction and amount among other details. It also saves on organization resources spent to recruit, train and supervise workers in various departments (Parry, 2011). The technology also promotes self-service management system in the mode rn workplaces. Here the employees convey their complaints or concerns through secured web-channels to the top management team or the employer. Researchers tried to compare the E-HRM and the traditional human resource and they found out that they were labor and technology oriented respectively. Furthermore, E-HRM depends wholly on advanced software to manage and monitor some of the important human resource elements in a certain organization. Traditional human resource, on the other hand, uses human resource managers, directors and secretaries but oversees major human resource issues. However, positivist principles were not effectively applied in the research. The article ought to record numerical values of the findings. For instance, the researchers should have recorded the number of human resource employees in E-HRM system and compared with that of traditional human resource management. The article is not clear on some of the research strategies employed. However, from the findings, one can depict that the researchers must have prepared research questions about the kind of findings they expected. The questions could have been withdrawn from prior similar research and internet sources among others. They ought to have indicated how they conducted their pre-visit study to converse themselves with the study environment. This would also enable them to get to know the estimate population of the study area. This would guide the researchers in decision on the

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