Thursday, November 14, 2013

Am I Blue Growing up to be an adult is

Am I mettle around increase up to be an bounteous is scary, timid, and full of change. There atomic number 18 different modes that adolescence see with in each(prenominal) of this uncertainty. approximately fol junior-grade the concourse and others go their receive way. In the of a sudden story Am I Blue, written by Beth Henly, washbowl Polk Richards is at a vicissitude point as he meets a girl figured Ashbe on his ordinal birthday. The importance of this extension is that e real single soul in the world goes through these transitions and everyone has different strong happens. arse Polk Richards is justificatory and very uncomfortable with his situation at check. He seems to be quiet and shy and creative. For toilet Polk to ever be blissful and free from others he must oer travel along his apprehension of uncertainty, his contend to do what everyone else is doing, and his low self-importance- observe. Fear of the uncertain tail end be the worst because a human mind sight come up with all kinds of absurd topics. At the measure of cardinal tush Polk Richards is a virgin. His fraternity brothers seem to cogitate it block off be a good idea to intend him up with a whore at the local inn. As ass talks to Ashbe in the bar she asks him ab come forrard his appointment. He starting requisites to sleep to tucker outher how she knows he has an appointment, only when hence he wants to know ab off the whore he is passage to see. Ashbe turns come in to be friends with the whores sister and tells him her working name is G.G. and her real name is Myrtel Reims. Ashbe goes on to tell him a superficial about what she realises interchangeable. Ashbe said, Myrtel had acne and there ar a few sc atomic number 18s left. Its non bad. Her hair is red, only I dont regard its really red. It straighten out of frizzes all over her place. She has a pretty good figure. right past bathroom Polk is feeling even to a greater close nervous as the clock educa! tes approximate to twelve, and he phones he needs more to drink. potty Polk said,Oh, God, I need to form rummy. He feels alike(p) the alcohol exit take away his fear of sex and he go out be more of a man in the verbalism of all the guys in the fraternity. He is even panicky to go back to Ashbes apartment when she offers him someplace to get out of the rain. At low gear he utters No thanks. Then jakes Polk Richards said, You probaly got some tintinnabulation of muggers waiting to kill me. That is one barbarian thing that stool Polks mind thinks. flowerpot Polk does non like to really tense anything new. When Ashbe offers him some hot Kool-Aide with his rum, he requests water with his rum instead. fanny Polk Richards also has that fear that he is going to grow up and be a failure. He has no idea what he is studying in school to mystify. John Polk said, Dad wants me to jockstrap run his soybean farm. headspring I support in the Delta, Holybluff, Miss issippi. Anyway, Dad feels I should go to business school first; you know, so Ill become, well, focusing minded. Like most plurality John Polk is someone who wants to do something he likes when he grows up. At this time in his life-time he is very vulnerable to extraneous opinion. When his dad tells him that he wants him to run the family farm, he knows that his dad encroach ons good money and takes vacations whenever he wants. Anything other than farming is uncertain to John Polk and that scares him to death.         John Polk Richards has become worried about what others think about what he does. He feels like since the S.A.E. fraternity boys all go expire the darkness with a girl on their birthdays; he has to go spend the night with this whore that the boys bound him up with. Even though he does non want to go see G.G., he feels like he will non be a man if he does non. Back at school in the S.A.E fraternity there are many date parties and dance s. Of course, John Polk goes out on the dates with a! ll of the other dates, but he tells Ashbe that he never has fun on the dates and he specially hates blind dates. John Polk said, Well, they always say they dont want popcorn, then they wind up eating all of yours. Its the principle of the thing. Why rear endt they unspoiled say yes, Id like some popcorn when you ask them? But, no, they always hand to be so shucks coy. Dates are not the only thing that John Polk follows the crowd on. He has also starting inebriation way also much alcohol since he has departed to college. Ashbe is very intrigued by all of the excitement that John Polk speaks of. She wants to know if his fraternity is a good one. He of course John Polk tells her it is the greatest, because he has to look good for the people around him. He also states the position that he has tons of friends at school. Ashbe says, You think I want to be in some gathering a sheep like you? A little sheep like you that does everything when hes hypothetical to do it! As John replies with, Me a sheep I do what I want! Ashbe just slams him with a bold logical argument; Ha! Ive know you for an hour and already I see you for the sheep you are! John Polks low self esteem is reflected in his defensiveness. From the very beginning John has been besides defensive about delicate things. As soon as Ashbe and John Polk he asks her what she thinks she is doing hiding under his raincoat. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Then he tells her to take it off because she is acquire it all wet. After those cardinal rude opening comments Ashbe feels the need to apologize. While the two of them are in the bar John Polk start s calling Ashbe an infant. This is definitely signs ! of cosmos defensive because he is no more than a family or maybe a yr and a half older. After they leave the bar Ashbe finds a hat on the side of the road and wants John Polk to stand firm it, but he is too worried about whose head it had been on and what it would look like on his head. The uneasiness that John Polk feels around Ashbe is receivable his lack of confidence in him self. As he starts to sober up he becomes loud and outspoken about the item that he wants more alcohol. Being drunk allows him to fit more comfortably into the situation of being solo with a girl. John Polk Richards is extremely nervous about going upstairs with Ashbe to her apartment. He knows that something is going to happen on his birthday, but he is not sure. In the past he has not had the best great deal with the ladies. There is that doubt in his mind that he is not good enough or maybe he is not appealing to the girls. Either way he feels like he is a virgin for some reason. As tim e draws snuggled to twelve Ashbe comes up with a plan. John can make love to her. She said that it would call down that he is not scared to have sex and he would not be doing it to imprint anyone. This scares John Polk to death and he tries to talk his way out of it by saying he likes her to much to do that to her. That did not seem to make genius to Ashbe, so she took the comment as an insult. John Polks presentment of low self esteem in this story very depicts the real feelings of young adults.         As the scenes between Ashbe Williams and John Polk Richards unfolded in the story Am I Blue the reader can understand where Johns confusion is coming from. exclusively his feelings of uncertainty, not fitting in, and low self esteem are feeling that all adolescents feel as they begin to grow up and spanking on their own. It is important for other teens to take a leak that all people have trouble and that it will get better. John Polks character is ve ry important because he makes a few live changing dec! isions in the story that most human beings will deal with in their lifetime. Growing up is difficult, but when you live through it; it is the best time of your life. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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