Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Importance Of Entrepeneurship

NameUniversityCourseDateTable of contents1 .0 Introduction1 .1 Statement of the problem1 .2Literature Review2 .0 Significance of the run for2 .1 . Limitations of the essay3 .0 backdrop of the study3 .1 .History of entrepreneurship3 .2 . Entrepreneurship environment in the US3 .3 . Problems and challenges3 .4 Entrepreneurship crosswise different states3 .5 . Solutions to the problems4 .0 Methodology5 .0 Conclusion6 .0 Appendix6 .1 Appendix A6 .2 Appendix B1 .0 Introduction1 .1 Statement of the problemThere has been a common concern in the public about the government remove to provide an enabling environment as salubrious as incentives for entrepreneurs to bide thriving in trade . The role of these in any given economy is central to the success or failure of the economyLiterature ReviewWhile some sectors of the economy contin ue to benefit from continue support in terms of funds allocations , entrepreneurs are remain behind and very few legislations or efforts have been redirected towards that range of a function (Gifafer , 2001 . For a very long time entrepreneurs in the US have continued to operate under tough conditions something which has guide to closure of businesses as well as relocation of many a(prenominal) to foreign countries where conditions are deemed favourable (Wenseder Adams 2003 . This research will bearing to investigate the contribution of entrepreneurs in the economy with an aim of rail the research findings to solve the above-mentioned problems . Available literature points to he fact that the problem facing the entrepreneurship sector in the US is self inflicted and can be undone2 .0 Significance of the studyThe study is by the way especially in the coming of stiff competition from economic blocs such as Asia and European union .

In the advent of the challenges , the results of the investigation into the problem will provide crucial discipline and data to decision and policy makers who will in turn use the results to come up with new policies which will doctor the entrepreneurship spirit in the US . The study is also probative to entrepreneurs who may use the data gathered in a fact-finding mission so as to strategize for market sharpness once the suggestions and recommendations of this study are implemented by the government2 .1 . Limitations of the studyThe study will be limited in that it shall draw a lot from existing data much of which may non be reliable . It also expected that lack of preceding research in the field might also coiffure challenges to the researcher3 .0 Scope of the studyThe study shall restrict itself to the factors surrounding the growth and sustainability of entrepreneurship in The US . The study shall restrict itself to the specific states in the US with a possibility of generalising the findings to other states of the US . The study shall scar a medium sized enterprise for that is an area , which has not been well researched , and therefore any study focused specifically to that syndicate would...If you want to get a full essay, crop it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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