Saturday, January 25, 2014

Language and Medicine

LANGUAGE AND MEDICINE 2 Medical Language 2.1. verbalise and written genres The nerve presentation is a highly modify linguistic rite involving stylized vocabulary, syntax, and discourse structures which, when examined under a linguistic microscope, key out subtle assumptions, beliefs, and values concerning endurings, medical examination exam knowledge, and medical practice to which physicians in training are covertly socialized. With regard to spoken language, oversight has also been paid to the in-group set phrase physicians use in dissertation to one another, notably most affected roles. The literature on this division uses medical language, particularly article of faith hospital slang, as a key to understanding the subculture that develops among physicians-in-training partially as a response to stresses generated by their work environment. Ethnographers of medical socialization have been particularly intrigued by the black imagination and pejorative expre ssions for referring to hospital patients ( gomers, turkeys, crocks, brain stem preparations ) or their clinical status (a terminally ill patient is CTD, circling the drain, a patient who has died is said to have boxed), since these language phenomena disappear in the fount of the aim of medical training: to carry on improver values or a service orientation. 2.2. The lexicon and semantics of medicine Jammal worked pays wait on to problems of translation from English, the international language of medicine. A question Jammal raises is: who decease decides which name/word should be chosen, among competing alternatives, to refer to a angel or disease entity? I doubt that the arbiter in these matters is, as he suggests, the lexico-grapher (because it is his/her job to think about such(prenominal) questions, ); more than likely, a consensus ultimately emerges from discussions among specialists. 2.2.1 Vocabulary of family medicine In the international Classifi cation of Health Problems in Family Care , w! hich serves as a dictionary for re-search in...If you want to get a full essay, baseball club it on our website:

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