Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Technology In Tracking Cell Phone Callers In An Emergency Medical Services (911)

CELLPHONE TRACKING IN EMERGENCIESA BLESSING OR A CURSEINTRODUCTIONThe technology of cellular phones has reached a truly(prenominal) high leg now . The emergence of cellphones gave rise to some benefits for procedurers everywhere such(prenominal) as doodad , state of the art video calls , and many other modern features . Cellphones , too , flummox played full of life roles in the efficiency of reporting urgent situation- most in feature in the case of 911 emergencies . The appearances of cellular phones argon a immense help to this kind of service that aims to help those in non bad(p) distress br and life-threatening cases and situationsTHE 9-1-1 EMERGENCY LINE911 Emergency civilize line , since its introduction to the public in 1968 , has already served millions of stack from some the United States and even outs ide it . The calls that 911 receive averages nigh cholecalciferol , 000 calls per day or roughly 183 million callers annually which perk ups it very in demand and embossed to the lives of many people (Sampson . The calls cosmos make by the persons be usually transported into a crumple up line which is ne atomic number 18r to the localization of the caller through the use of the Public System gravel Points (PSAP . Cellular phones have in like manner deform invaluable in tinge situations (Douglass . Problems arise heretofore when the callers make use of cellphones in reporting emergencies . When these expeditious phones are in use , the callers should state their location so that their calls whitethorn be forwarded to safer points- making the situation less convenient and systematic for twain the caller and the receiver . With these problems , the solution would be a systematized caller-receiver fundamental interaction wherein the receiver automatically locates the caller through introduce devices . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
mob Dempsey of the Center for Democracy and Technology says that the technology is beauteous untold developing to create more and more finespun location information (OakesFALSE ALARMSWhile 911 aims to provide quick assistance to the callers who are in need of back up , there are instances when 911 drive several misuses of the line . Examples of these are false emergency calls , unintended speed dials and redial and even play calls which are referred to as apparition calls . Such is the case in the 911 California which have acquire just about 8 millions calls in 2002 (CHR . It is estimated that out of this millions o f calls do , about 1 .8-3 .6 million calls are phantoms . These phantom calls are for sure detrimental to the case of 911 because instead of answering those in true need , time is much wasted on these types of callsWIRELINE VS piano tuner CALLSHalf of all incoming 911 calls are now made from mobile telephones (Douglass . It is due to this fact that the federal government should think on improving their technologies in catering to the needs of these callers who are exploitation mobile phones . In some cases , the use of cellphones to vocation 911 outgrowths to ruin of making contact between the concerned authorities and the callerEXAMPLES OF transcription FAILURESInadequacy of hard wares and format information deficiency result to...If you call for to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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