Saturday, January 25, 2014

Who Was Satisfied with the Treaty of Versailles?

There was not a single country which was amount tot whollyyy satisfied or dissatisfied with the treaty of Versailles. There was certain part of the treaty where one country was pleased with and the otherwise was not. France was most satisfied with article 231 of the treaty as their foe Germany had to accept effective responsibility for the state of war and the abuse caused by the war as this was part of the war immorality clause, Clemenceau endlessly necessitateed revenge as this was the perfect penalisation for Germany. Germany also had to balance the allies for any damage caused. virtually of the north eastern United States of France was damaged and ruined due to all the fighting which took place, umpteen of the land and houses got destroyed; in 1921 Germany was toughened to constitute £6.6 gazillion as reparations to her allies .France receives 60% of reparations, which meant that they could pay off-key all the debt which was cause during the war. Also the French establishment had borrowed huge sums of coin to fight the war and was faced with grand debts so getting 60% of the coin made them contented and satisfied as thats what they needinessed to achieve although they would bemuse preferred if they had to a greater extent money from the reparations as they believed that most of their soil got destroyed so they should have received even more. The British received 30% of the reparations although they wanted a significant total they didnt want to cripple Germany, they wanted just exuberant to pay off the huge debts caused by the war, as they didnt even bet they would get 30% so they were jolly satisfied as they Germans were punished but to the extent where they were not to weak so that France would have too much power, as Britain wanted a balance of power in Europe. the States received 10% of war reparations they didnt rattling sojourn to receive any so they were pleased they got some money as they didnt really need it as countries borrowed money off them during ! the war so USA wasnt in debt of any country kinda it was vies versa and countries such as Britain...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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