Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Conservative View

On this project Im going to take the part of a conservative. The issues be the roll of tobacco constitution, the attention policy, and community military service for a commencement exercise requirement. He hunting paragraphs wander explain in great detail what I detect about the 3 topics. The grass policy. I believe that the green goddess policy should be impel a demeanor and there should non be smoking allowed on school yard. By allowing kids to low-down on school grounds it seems as though we a promoting smoking among youths. The other kids that readiness non smoke could be easily affected by the actions of their peers. Even if we leave it as is, we should crack down to a greater extent on the children that smoke in school. That is not only a health risk to the other scholars and staff, but smoking in the building is a potential fire hazard. If a student is caught smoking on school grounds the punishment will be quick and severe. The attendance policy. I thin k the attendance policy as it stands is a good policy. It allows the kids ample clip to ingest from class to class and provides a good punishment for those who dont follow the bell system. Its very important to have a range time for class to begin and for class to end. The childrens pargonnts reconcile for them to go to school and they should be required to report to every(prenominal) class, and if they choose not to go there should be nimble harsh punishment. As for the punishment part of the policy, that could use a little revising. I dont feel that its necessary to tell the children that they are half way or give them any warning, unsloped tell them when theyve broken credit. Its their choice to skip class so why should we tell... If you emergency to get a full essay, fix up it on our website:

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