Saturday, February 1, 2014

Journal Article Annotation Of An Assigned Article --` Nursing In Hong Kong : Issues And Challenges

Journal Annotation : Nursing in Hong KongIntroductionThe fright for profession is very central in the pitching of medical work to the citizens of any stipulation country . As such , help nurses improve their competencies and their skills in practicing their professions are very important in ensuring their excellence in the treat profession . Before the have of nursing could be improved in any devoted territory , it would be important to understand the current authorization of the nursing profession and have an informed and accurate sharp of the issues that beset the nursing profession in such a localityThe nursing profession in Hong Kong is besides facing some(prenominal) important issues that have to be dealt with in to improve the pitch piquance of medical function . These issues should be identified so that the distinguish solutions would be arrived at and the nurses , hospitals clinics , and the residents of Hong Kong could benefit from the enhancement of their skills and competenciesIn this regard , Thomson s (2006 ,. 158 ) arrest is very helpful . He identifies these issues and sought to achieve a better understanding of the nursing profession and the needs of the Hong Kong tell of magnitude so that the nurses could provide excellent work to their clients and the patients needing their services . The fountain underscored the need of Hong Kong for the services of professional and competent nurses . after(prenominal) in all more than 40 of the healthcare workers of Hong Kong are nurses . Hence their expertise and services are very crucial in promoting health coordinating the type of care that should be received by citizens in the communities as well as in clinics and hospitals in the orbital cavityThe main argument of the former in the phrase is that the nursing indu stry in Hong Kong is facing a incalculable ! of challenges , which could be categorized into three areas . in that respect area challenges and issues in the area of workforce , the education of the nurses , their nursing practice and leadership . The author proceeded to enumerate these paradoxs and tackle them one by oneThomson (2006 ,. 159 ) assumed that the nursing practice in Hong Kong can be assessed by tone at several criteria , trends , and the situation of the health care services delivery in the territory . He also implicitly stated in his article that these issues need to be intercommunicate if the nursing practice were to become better importantly . He also drew upon the immenseness of numbers in the delivery of nursing services As such , if in that location is a lack of nurses , there would also be a problem in the delivery of nursing services . At first-year glance , this connection seems to be common mother wit . nevertheless , Thomson also backed up his claim with facts and statistics , thereby undersc oring the importance of the issueWorkforce IssuesShortage of nurses appears to be one of the major problems of Hong Kong nowadays . There is no doubt that there is a shortage of nurses in Hong Kong . After all , the old ones had been encouraged to retire earliest Although there...If you loss to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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