Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Acid Rain

ACID RAIN - is a broad term referring to a medley of laughable and dry attestation (deposited material) from the standard pressure containing higher(prenominal) than universal amounts of nitric and sulfuric sulphurouss. Acid fall is as well as called acid deposition. Acid rainwater actually includes two arrive ats of defilement the wet and dry deposition. Wet deposition refers to (acidic rain, fog, and snow) Dry deposition (acidic gases and component matter). Causes of acid rain Acid rain delay cause by natural and human resources: Emissions from vol flowerpotoes contri just nowe acid-producing gases to the atmosphere Also decaying plant life ar natural resources. The trader cause of acid rain is by human do sources siemens dioxide and nitrogen oxides from fogey fuel combustion are the primary human made sources. Formation of acid rain The smoke containing sulfur dioxide/nitrogen oxide is released into the air, it fuses with pissing ready to wa tch over down in a chemic rain form called acid rain. Effects of acid rain ? poisonous to aquatic life ?Increased acidity in urine bodies which can cause to this.. ?Also Affects human health ?Contributing to respiratory diseases such as asthma, dry coughs, headaches and throat irritations. ?Harms forest and fuzee coat ?It kills the chlorophyll in the plants leaves. ?It can corrode metals, marbles and limestone on buildings and structures which can lead to structural weakening. Possible Solutions 1. Sulfur dioxide can be removed from power station chimneys but this method is expensive. 2.Reduce the amount of electricity we use. 3.Use renewable ability wishing wind power, solar panels, tidal power and hep schemes and geothermic energy. 4.Limit the number of vehicles on the roads and gain public transport.If you want to get a full essay, grade it on our website:

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